The weekly podcast exploring what happens when women stop being nice and start Being F'ing Honest.
Oct. 7, 2022

Cut, Claw & Snarl: Discussing Unity, Politics, And Gun Control In Today's Society

Cut, Claw & Snarl: Discussing Unity, Politics, And Gun Control In Today's Society

It is clear that people are feeling overwhelmed and frustrated with the current state of affairs. With the government and powerful institutions seemingly not doing enough to make a difference, many are feeling powerless and disconnected from their communities. It is easy to understand why so many people feel angry, sad, and confused when they don't see any real progress being made. Furthermore, the attitude of "shoot first, ask questions later" has been adopted by some individuals, creating an even scarier atmosphere. To combat this feeling of helplessness, people are taking time for self-care and having conversations with others that they would not have had before. This is a small step in creating community and a reminder that there is still power in voting and other forms of activism. However, some people feel that this isn't enough as long as powerful institutions continue to take advantage of their money through taxes and other means. It will take time to create real change but it is important to keep looking for a solution and not give up.

Jennifer Wong:

Hello, and welcome to Our Podcast being effing honest, I'm Jennifer Wong.

Charity Rodriguez:

And I'm Charity Rodriguez.

Jennifer Wong:

We invite you into our conversations about everyday issues experienced by everyday people. We share our stories with honesty and humor, hoping to bring people together in community by showing how vulnerability can deepen bonds when done with kindness and non judgment. We know it's tough. So we'll go ahead and go first. Hello, and welcome to Our Podcast being enfin honest, I'm Jennifer Juan.

Charity Rodriguez:

And I'm Charity Rodriguez.

Jennifer Wong:

And we invite you into our conversations of everyday issues experienced by everyday people with honesty, humor, and authenticity. Our hope is to bring people together and community by creating safe environments of non judgement. And we know this can be tough. So we will go ahead and go first. Okay, morning, charity.

Charity Rodriguez:

Hello. Good morning, Jennifer. All right, we'll just jump right into it. But before we do, I do want to say, I am glad that you recommend a brief meditation before we get started. Because I'm not really a meditative person. I don't like I'm like, Oh, I can't stop. I can't think you know, whatever. And then, but I like you do it. And you know, you say your thing. And I'm like, okay, like, I find myself being able to stop. And actually just be in the moment, which I would have never thought would have happened to me, but I just want to say thank you. Oh,

Jennifer Wong:

my pleasure. My pleasure. We'll have to do an episode on that. Meditation. Because it's hard. I

Charity Rodriguez:

know. I know. It is hard. So that was like, Oh, I didn't, okay, like, yeah, it would have been like, no, no, you go right out ahead. I'm, like, I'm all good. But now it's like, okay, and maybe it's like, the weight of the world. That's just like, okay, yeah, fine. Stop. Listening, I just try to be in the moment because I can't anymore

Jennifer Wong:

the weight of the world to us, right, which brings us to our discussion today, you know, having a check in and just seeing where each of us is at and really feeling the weight of all the things that are going on right now. You know, we had the Roe vs. Wade, the draft overturn that. We have the shooting in Uvalde. Texas, the children? Yeah. And, you know, I'm gonna let you start because what I had asked How are you feeling today? It was a really good segue. It was raw, it was real. So you know, with all that going on, how have you been feeling? How you doing?

Charity Rodriguez:

I have not been feeling well. I've been feeling very, very, very frustrated, very angry, very sad, very confused, very, just not knowing where I am, what I am what is going on, I'm standing in horror, everything that is going on around us. I can't believe that we are not our country is not unified in its response, that we can have such polarizing responses to the situation. And it's like, did you not see? Like, how are you not seeing what I'm seeing and how you're not reacting? How I'm reacting? Like, is this not hitting you at your core? Because it is bringing me to my knees? And so it's too much yes,

Jennifer Wong:

is too much. It's like overwhelming, but how are you feeling? Very, very similar. And what's interesting, being more empathic, even though I don't watch the news, I hear everything and when I see something, then I'll look to get more details. But I have to be really careful with that. Because I feel overwhelmed a lot. And it does feel like it's hitting this crescendo, you know, like we are the music is getting higher and higher and faster and more intense in just when you think you can't take another thing, boom, something else happens. It's just like,

Charity Rodriguez:


Jennifer Wong:

how much more how much more and like you'd said, what? When are we going to unify? When are we going to come together for the greatest good of all? When are we gonna see like something has to change? Like, for example, the shooting columbines over 20 years ago and nothing has happened is it isn't like this is new. It isn't like people have been laying down And people have been protesting people have been talking to lawmakers. Yeah, we'll have been taking action for a long, long time and still nothing changes. And when I sit with that, I think, well, it's, it's all usually because of money and power, right, money and power, money and power. And they're so ingrained in the way our system works, that I think it's even bigger than that fear of losing their money and power. I mean, it is so ingrained in so much of our daily life now that it would be a huge, like a, like in Jenga, you know, it'd be that final piece, that everything is going to collapse from the way it was. Yes. And then I asked myself, well, even if that happened, you know, there's going to be massive change. Am I prepared for that? Like, am I prepared for that? Because I do believe we need reform in the policies, I do believe it across the board. And once that happens, is it going to be the salve? Is it going to be the panacea? I don't know. I think it's going to take time. But I haven't seen anything move in that direction yet. Like, we haven't even taken the first step. You know,

Charity Rodriguez:

no, but and I know that you believe that there's good changes coming. But I don't think that a good change is coming. I think, yes, there is a group of people that believe like, yeah, are right, finally, like, we're, like, clearly, they're going to see, you know, the error of the ways, right, and there's gonna it's going to, but I don't know that it's going to be in the favor of what you might think or consider would be the Justin common sense. Reaction, I think people are so kind of far gone now. And this thing, have the power and the control, that they're losing sight of humanity, and people, and feelings and emotions, and it's just, they're very willing now to just kind of say, Screw you, we are so disconnected from each other from people from, we're so polarized, it's not a like, you can look at things now and just kind of go, Ah, whatever, and keep going. And you said that you don't watch the news. And I don't watch the news either. But, you know, I tried to keep up like, you know, I'll check it out here or something, and I'll check into to see like, what's going on. But I was just telling my husband's like, I can't even do that, like, I want to completely devoid myself, of, you know, the news, like, I don't want to hear anything at all, because in order for me to keep going to move forward to put one foot in front of the other. I can't hear that nonsense. But then how is that going to help? Right? I am now also disconnecting myself and pushing myself further and further away, just to get by just to keep going, and what am I going for? What's the point, right? To carve out my little secret corner of happiness, and just like, wow, I don't know about anybody else. But I'm happy here in my little corner. They what? That's not living, we're not living,

Jennifer Wong:

you're not. And I totally agree with you, I hear you completely. And I struggled with that at the beginning of, of the pandemic, because it was just this influx of information. I couldn't tell what was real. I couldn't tell it was true. I couldn't tell it was accurate. And I had to pull away. And I in the beginning, I felt like, gosh, I am just being so selfish and self centered. But what I realized is also like, if you go into surgery, and they cut open your leg and you have 50 stitches, you aren't running out trying to fix things, you have to take care of yourself first. And I just feel like, right now that's a big thing. Because for me personally, I thought I was introspective. But now that the world is just crazy and insane. I am really going even deeper into what matters to me. And so that my values are what I share with the world because honestly, I know that we asked this question like how can we be part of the change? How can we take action that is going to be helpful right now? And it feels a little hopeless like well, I vote and it doesn't seem to do much I was the ballot I signed ballots, I don't see anything change, you know. So it's hard to find where to put that energy where to take that action where to be part of the change. But here's what I'm noticing, too, is, you know, we came together to do this to build communities and how do we do that? When we feel like we're totally going inward and being quote unquote selfish by Taking care of ourselves and just keeping our family alive and ourselves alive. But what happens is, what I'm noticing, because I've been doing that for over a year now is I'm seeing myself having conversations with others that I would not be having before. And I also really believe in this idea that if I try to control things, I have no control over, I take on the energy of a victim. And I don't like feeling like a victim. I really don't. And so what do I have power over? You know, I have power over taking care of myself, I have power over. Like Gandhi said, being the change, I want to be in the world, maybe I'm not out there with a picket or knocking on legislatures doors, you know, but I am having these conversations with people and doing these interactions that are creating safe communities I feel in my own community. So for example, over the last week, I mean, so much has happened over the last week i i found a dead hawk and I went and buried it. And that's a whole nother story. I was at my horsemanship class yesterday, and three horses got out and we're running down a busy highway. And we had five, six women just like boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, coming together, and trying to catch these horses. And it's not like a dog, a dog goes a couple blocks, these horses went a mile in like, minutes, you know, and they're running down busy streets. And we're just like, we don't want to see anybody dead, or the horses dead. You know, I mean, they're huge roll size horses. But what was beautiful about even in that was, one woman just went running after him to keep an eye on them. And people kept picking her up, she got into three cars with men that were just helping her to keep track of the horses. And she goes, I would have never jumped into a straight. She says, I've never jumped into a stranger's car my life before. But what we realized, after talking about that was people want to help people do I think inherently there are more people than not that want to help. And she goes, I my, my faith in humanity was restored today, you know. So it's those little things. And I think energetically, they start to shift things. I had two conversations, I had a lunch and a dinner in the same day, with two white males in their 50s. And, okay, we talked the gamut on issues that were going on. And I will say that they primarily stand on the other side of the aisle from me, as far as beliefs. But what we found is we have very much the same values. You know, we want to create community, we want to create safety, we want to create connection, we want to help each other we want to be kind, you know, and so when I get into those things, I can see where humans really do want that. And and I guess that gives me the hope that I need to keep going is me being an action and talking to people and like actually asking people well, how do you feel about this? And listening? You know, I mean, sometimes I had to hear some responses about gun control that I did not like, you know, but I get to hear their side of it. And then I just keep bringing it back to but how do we keep our children safe? You know, how do we respect human law? You know, how do we do these things? You know, and I don't think any of us has the answer, but we do want the same things.

Charity Rodriguez:

And, and I agree with that, that there are a lot of people that want the same thing. And but I believe that it's our government that's causing this fear and division and victimization, instilling this within the people to divide and conquer and do whatever they want to do. And, yeah, we can be on this on different sides of the, you know, of the aisle, that's not a problem. People make it out now to be a problem. Because, you know, back in the day, he could be whatever and stay with it. And it was like okay, but then you still would come together and go to work and you know, go on about your business, right? You can know that your neighbor was not of the same philosophy and belief, but it was it was okay. Like, he is still nobody was ready, right? Like, I don't know, like, it just seemed like it was okay. And maybe it was on the download that it was okay, but it still seemed like it was okay. Versus now everything's been lifted and unveiled and now people are just like, whatever, I don't care and if you're not on my site, then you You're part of the problem. And I need to bulldoze right through you. Versus we're all have a common good, we believe in, you know, a common good, but our approaches may be different, you know, but whatever, I don't know. So, and I forgot where I was going with a thought. But I'm glad that you're having, you know, conversations with people, I guess I need to have more conversations with people. You're being inspired and motivated to talk to people. And I'm being inspired to retreat and not talk to people, because people scare me now. I mean, the things that are coming out of their mouths, I'm like, Whoa, I was not expecting that. And to see such staunch belief in that scary to me. So yeah, you're going towards and I'm pulling back. And I

Jennifer Wong:

also think that that has to do with our environment. You live in Texas. I live in California. And I do believe that that affects us, right. Like our environment will affect a lot of things. So I mean, that's a big no, it definitely that's a big item, I think needs to come to the surface, you know, you are hearing conversations that are just very different. Possibly.

Charity Rodriguez:

Yeah, it is very different. And it Yeah, it is. And I read or I heard something that said after the shooting, the number of gun purchases in both California and Texas, rose like and I don't know, 200% or something so crazy number like people just ran out and start buying all these guns, like, right, you know, you're angry about the shooting, and now you may be packing he in your car driving crazy, and you're just angry. And you're going to you can shoot me. Like, that's my thought, like, you could just shoot me because that day, you know, that's how you're going to express your anger. Like, yeah, I'm angry too. But I didn't go buy a gun and I'm not ready to. I'm not like I'm fearful. Yes, I have to be careful, because I don't know where you're at on things. But I'm not. I'm not packing heat. Right. I'm willing to like, talk to you. But now people are a little past the let's talk and they're just like, shoot first. And just whatever. Because, you know, whatever. I

Jennifer Wong:

don't that's freakin scary. I don't know. That is scary. It is scary. It is scary. And I I can't imagine being surrounded by that type of mindset. You know, that would be That's heavy. That's really heavy. Yeah.


And I don't know what to I don't know what to say or what to do. And that level of

Charity Rodriguez:

anger. I mean, I see the level of anger from the parent, you know, and like you said, like, all of these shooters, Columbine and, and stony

Jennifer Wong:

hollow, a sandy hook, Sandy

Charity Rodriguez:

Hook that this that Sandy Hook, and you know, all this stuff. And it's like, we're still here, we are still. Here it is. And I get it on the level that you know what the United States is so huge. We are so big. We have 50 states and trying to control all of those states and all of those people in all of those fields. That's a huge job, right? That is a really big, huge job. I don't know what the answer is and how to do it. It's not easy to just go well, this look at Europe and how they do it. Well, they're different countries, it's small countries. And it is easier to get everybody on board on the same page. Because, you know, you can all immediately affects you. Then here were like some that's happening out there. And New York is kind of like, well, that's not happening here in Texas, right? You know, on some of this happening out in Montana, like, well, that's those Montana people like, I don't know, you know, that's not happening here. But yet, we're all supposed to be under the same umbrella. And it's like, well, that's kind of hard to do. Yeah. So

Jennifer Wong:

I don't know, I know, we I don't think anybody has an answer. And I think that makes it hard. It makes it depressing. I feel hopeless. You know, sometimes I feel hopeless, like well, what's the point? What's the point?

Charity Rodriguez:

Okay, I think there are some answers. But the goal is like the answer is there. Whether you're trying to go and take that or not, is a whole different thing. The you know, that guy from the basketball team, the coach that came forward, did you see that? I think I sent it to you He came forward. And you know, he was really angry when he was supposed to be talking about the basketball game. And he was just like, No enough. This is ridiculous. And I'm so angry with our politicians, and they're holding us hostage, you know, 90% of the people want gun control. And the Republicans are holding us hostage. They're not, you know, voting on this, you know, blah, blah, blah, whatever. And I just thought, yeah, like, that's what it is. They're holding us hostage, like the answer is there, but they want their power, and they're not gonna give it up. So they don't care what it is right or wrong, or whatever. They're just like, we're gonna hold on to this power. for dear life, we're gonna look at loopholes, we're gonna lie, we're gonna cheat, we're gonna do whatever smoke and mirrors to hold on to that power. i That's all it is, for, you know, certain people. And that's the first like, the answers there that is like, you gotta let go. These are people that are supposed to be doing what the people want, like you were put into that, you know, position to do represent your people. And now it's not just like the Republicans or the Democrats, like no people, you know, both sides are like, yeah, maybe we need to, like, now we need to revisit this, let's talk about let's change this, let's all go and, you know, do gun law reform, then maybe you should be doing a check on people before they go get guns. Like, that's just a basic, how about you do that? Like, that's just a level, right? But then it's been twisted to that trying to take away your guns. They're trying to take away your rights. They're trying? It's like, wait, what? We're not at that point yet. Like, can we just agree that, you know, 18 year olds and people with mental illness and, you know, history again, should not be owning guns, like they should not be able to buy it, and so easily get to it, I can, like, I think that both sides could agree on that. But they that's not the narrative that's being put forth. That's the part that makes me angry. That's what's like, they twist things around. And it's like, we just want to not, you know, be fearful. I'm not trying to, I have no problem with people, you know, gun enthusiasts, and they're out there hunting and, you know, doing their thing, what? Go for it? Absolutely. Like those people really, I've talked to a few, they know their guns, they know gun safety, they treat that with respect of you know, how to handle it, and how to handle it, when you're around others and how to handle it when you're doing your your stuff. It's the people that are just like, I'm angry, I'm going to shoot somebody, I need to protect myself, you know, like, no, that's not why you need to be having right. You're the last person that needs to be having a good,

Jennifer Wong:

and why isn't anybody checking that? You know, that's the part that makes me crazy. Like, how are they not doing background checks? I thought you used to have to wait 14 days to buy a gun. What happened to that?

Charity Rodriguez:

No. Yes, exactly. And that's what they're saying. That's what these groups are, like, ignore that part, like that was, you know, removed, and it's just now they're trying to take away your guns? No, you need to have a process in place for people that did not have guns, right should not be having such easy access to it. And but it's it's not that it's just and then money, the amount of money that they're getting with false rhetoric is blowing my mind away. And that is, I think they use that to their advantage, see the Kentucky guns away. So then people donated this money to the NRA, instead of like, and then, you know, you think that's so much money, that's so much money that people had, I guess burning a hole in the pockets, that they're willing to give over, that you could have applied that money to so many other issues, so many other things that need you know, money, hunger, education, medical data situation in, you know, the US like people should have more access, better access, less expensive access to medicine, right.

Jennifer Wong:

And the medical system is a mess to care. I mean, the medical system is a complete mess, the insurance companies, the drug companies, they keep the prices going you can't get health care, really, you don't really get health care. And it's just I mean, all of our systems I see are breaking down I mean, in every single facet, they're all breaking down. We have had it and I think sometimes like I feel like all those systems are like why wild animal that's in the corner. It's going to just cut Yes, claw, snarl, it's going to do everything it can to keep its power right now. Yes, it's amazing how many people are in support of those things. But what I also think is I think people support the things that work for them. You know, nobody's looking at the Grand Well, I can't say nobody, because we are, but it's very few people in power, that are looking at the whole picture. They're just looking at special interests, right? That's an even in conversations with everyday people that I have. It depends on what we're interested in, is what we get excited about. But I feel like the universe is like, Well, I'm gonna make it so that it hits everybody, right, like COVID hit everybody. It didn't care what color you were, how much money you had, where you lived. It affected everybody. And then now we have Yes, the guns is getting to where it? Well, if you have children, it's affecting you. Now. You know, like, how much more do we have to endure? Before we realize this is everybody, you know, like, oh, the thought of waiting until everybody that has power is affected? And I wonder if they would be? You know, what, if one of these people in the NRA their child was killed? Would they feel differently about this? I don't know.

Charity Rodriguez:

I don't, I don't I can't even I thought about that, too. Like, would they be affected by this? I think yes, they would be affected. But I don't think the reaction would be what we, you know, if it would happen to you, you'd be like, Oh, my gosh, you know, maybe I wouldn't be like, Okay, that's it. I gave up like, that's it? No, I don't think that I think the response might be to double down and really, like now move from the guns to like, we need some nuclear weapons to deal with this situation. And it's like, oh, shoot, no, that's not what I'm trying to go. That's not what we wanted. So it's like, yeah, no, that's not even think about that. Because our natural response to be like, yeah, maybe we need to stop this, take a moment here and, you know, reevaluate. And maybe that's not, but I think we're so far gone, is moving so fast, that people are just, and the people that you surround yourself with, are going to put things in their self interest into your hands, they're going to fuel your anger for their purposes, versus, you know, looking at the whole big picture.

Jennifer Wong:

And I think that when you get so drawn into power, you can justify anything. Oh, absolutely,

Charity Rodriguez:

you can. Absolutely you can. And I don't know if I've talked to you about this before, but there was this guy, who did this talk of at Stanford University. And I believe he was an alum from Stanford, and he was one of the, you know, they're at the beginning of Facebook. And he was talking about, you know, his time there at Facebook and what it started off with and what it became and how, you know, like horrible Facebook is supposed to be right now. And they asked, well, like, how do you feel about, you know, your contribution to what Facebook has become? And he dodged that question by, oh, my team did a really good job, we did some really good work with what we were tasked to do. But now I took the money, and now I'm doing all this good stuff out in the world. Right? Okay. So that's how I said that. But they're like, Well, what now? You know, what's supposed to happen now? How do we move forward? And what are we supposed to do? And he said, the answer now is you need to get the money. You need to be in control of the money, because the people with the money are the only people that matter if you have no money, you don't matter, you are of no concern. You are not of any consequence. You have no say nobody cares what you're saying. It's all about the money. So what I say to you alumni, you know, it'd be as you go out into the world and do your thing, get the money, because then you control the narrative and you control. You know, that's how you can inject your morality or you know, good Ness. Like, no, do not. That is not what is because everybody thinks that what they do they do is the for the greater good, right? Yeah, I'm just, you know, but it's like, no, you're just now you think you're doing good, but you're part of the problem. That outlook as part of the problem, because everybody that has money either can cause out and say, like, I really don't care. You know, I'm trying to do my own thing. My I'm protecting my family, and I make sure that my family and my group and the people I care for that they are taking care of them, and they have what they need. And I can't be concerned with everybody else. Or, you know, yeah, well, I think, you know, whatever, whatever that rhetoric is that they're using to control people and control things. But at the end of the day, it's all for the people that have monies

Jennifer Wong:

like because we're in a capitalistic society. But I mean, it's designed that way. And we

Charity Rodriguez:

are, and it is, and I don't think that everybody needs to be an effing millionaire, like, that's not that get us there are people that are perfectly fine, just going to work, they have a job, they get a paycheck, they're able to pay their bills in a timely fashion, they have a roof over their head, they have food on their table, and they're not wearing the latest labels, having 15 Lamborghinis and traveling the world. It's about their family, and, you know, caring and loving and good and meaningful conversations. And why should they be penalized? Why? Because that was their ambition. That was their goal. They're being penalized because you don't want to be the CEO, you know, some company, you chose to live a nice modest life, you get no health care, you don't get any education, and you get, you know, no food. I think that's not right. It's not

Jennifer Wong:

right. It's not right. And I think that's why there's so much division now. Because it is not right. Everything you say it is not right. I agree with you, 100%. And we went, there was something you said earlier about the government, and we're waiting for the government like what the hell with our politicians. But I think what's going to happen is, in my opinion, we need to create communities, so we're not relying on the government anymore. So the people that are running things are the people with money and power. And if they're just so screwed up, and the people in the middle have to come together and community if we quit relying on them, and we quit buying into them, and we quit supporting them on a financial level, because they are getting money from US taxes and other ways. And we are taking care of ourselves. They lose their power, as long as we keep buying into the system, as long as we keep purchasing the system, which right now there doesn't seem to be an alternative. And I even find myself like, Oh, there I did it again, right. Like, why don't I not use Amazon? Why don't I not do a lot of things where people, and even though Amazon isn't political? I guarantee you. He's got his interests in there. So, you know, how do we pull away from those powers that be? You know, and I don't? That's what I mean, when I say I don't have an answer. Like, yeah, we know, gun control is an answer. But how do we get it implemented? I don't have an answer for that. Like, I don't, I don't see it happening. I don't know. And that's where I feel the most uncertain. And that's where I get hopeless and terrified and angry. Because I don't see how we're gonna get from A to B. I don't see it. So in the middle, I'm like, Well, what if we created enough communities like way back in the old days where they took care of each other? You know, is that possible? I don't see another way right now. You know, like, when my neighbor can't find housing, or my friend. And this isn't something that I've said it yet out loud, but I've thought about it. And if they have nowhere to go, I'm like, I gotta find a way to make it happen here. Right? You know, cuz if maybe we're not all making millions of dollars. But if we're all making a little bit and we pull it together, that gives us power, right? So it's not going to be individualized anymore. That's for the one percenters or whatever they are anymore. But what about the 99% of us? Like, what can we do to pool our resources and not put them into the systems that are broken? And that's what I just I don't know. But I mean, that's what keeps coming to me. Like, how can I do that? How can I quit buying into the system that's killing me and killing people? Like how do I stop that? I mean, I don't even need to have a second answer. Just how do I stop buying into the system that is completely insane, like, and we're so ingrained and they kept us so busy, they kept us so busy working to make the money to keep our kids in mind that we were watching. While all these laws were being passed while things were happening. I don't even know I was talking to my friend about the lies like I don't even know the basics about law because I've been busy. I'm trying to put food on the table, right? And I don't have a lot. I'm like, I share a room with my kid for crying out loud. It's not like I'm looking for extravagance, I just to meet my basic needs, you know, I, right. I'm not gonna go there. Because yes, I do have some extras that a lot of people don't have. So I just want to put that out there. But at any rate, I'm kept so busy that I don't even know what's going on, you know? Yeah,

Charity Rodriguez:

yeah. But that's all part of the master plan. Keep us all busy. Keep us all divided. You think that you're you're working towards the greater good, but then they're manipulating things at a higher level? And we have no clue. We're just gonna like, oh, okay, I guess, I guess they know what they're talking about. Like, yeah, they're more studied than we are sure, okay, because they're in power, okay. And, but we're supposed to be happy with the little bit of nuggets that are coming our way. And that's what they're counting on, to keep you happy with as little as possible. And that becomes part of your way of thinking. And if you've been doing that for so long, it's kind of like mind control. Now, a part of, oh, we'll just keep them at this victim stage at this powerless stage, and we're working on their mind to don't do all the work themselves, we won't have to do anything, we can just stand back and watch them devour themselves, you know, kill themselves each other, you know, don't do the work for us, is pretty much and that he's

Jennifer Wong:

like, when you look back through history, the monarchies. Isn't that what they did.

Charity Rodriguez:

That's exactly what they're doing. But now, our people are not educated. We don't do anything to help educate our children, our, you know, youth are adults to have a educated base so that we know what is going on. And then it becomes so big that divide between, I really shouldn't know that. But I don't know. And it's kind of too late for me to know that and get back to that. And I can just deal with what's in front of me right now. Like, I just got to keep rolling. I just got some more things I just kind of thrown at us, and we just have to deal with it. And we can't help ourselves, protect ourselves educate ourselves.

Jennifer Wong:

I just got to keep rolling. You know? Yes.

Charity Rodriguez:

You got to just keep rolling. But you said how do I quit buying into the system? And now, I'm like, okay, you know, what we need it, we need to talk about that. Like, I really want to have an episode where we just, we do our research like that, when we will have to do like some serious research, and just come up with three ways you think you, okay, could quit buying into the system? Like, could you do it? You know, there's the like, well, this is what we need to do. But I don't think that I could do it. This is what I need to do. I think I could do this one. This is what I need to do. And this is what I'm gonna start doing tomorrow. Yep. That, you know, like the willie way out there. What can we do? Because, yeah, let's let's get that. I mean, I'm willing to entertain that I'm willing to talk about that. I'm not, you know, I'm like, what exactly is that? Like? Are we now saying we're trying to secede from the government from the country, like, start our own little out? I don't know about that. If I'm willing to go that far. I want to fix the problem versus just throwing my hands up and going about here, I'm just going to take my ball and go play with this quarter. I don't care what you you know, say, No, I want to hold these people accountable. I want to reset the system. I don't want someone that is not very bright, but has learned from the mistakes of others. You know, we had a person that wasn't very bright, but they were doing all sorts of shenanigans every and everybody was watching all this shenanigans. Sorry. And, you know, just like they use it to their advantage, right. They were all these voices like they were the puppet being, you know, they were being used, but there's someone else that's going to come that smarter, brighter, and doesn't need other puppet strings. Like they'll be able to manage themselves, and use all the loopholes, all of the, you know, all the things and there'll be very bright and there'll be very powerful, and we'll be in a whole whole whole lot of trouble. So all right, there you go. There you go. And that's it. That's all I'm getting.

Jennifer Wong:

I love to leave on that note. Like what can we do to quit buying into this system? You know what Yeah, what can I do? Just what can we do? And leave with that?

Charity Rodriguez:

Alright, so that's it. That's the next thing quit buying it like you got to come up with your

Jennifer Wong:

money is power. How, where are we putting our power? Who are we giving it away to? And how can we take it back?

Charity Rodriguez:

Yes. How can we get it back? How can we Okay, you got it. All right.

Jennifer Wong:

Until next time. All right.

Charity Rodriguez:

Until next time. Thank you. Bye. Bye. Yay. Thank you for listening to being effing honest with your hosts, Jennifer Wong and charity Rodriguez. Subscribe to our show wherever you listen to podcasts. And if you have a suggestion, question or topic you want us to talk about, connect with us at www being effing And until next time, we hope you're always being effing honest. Yay. Thank you for listening to being effing honest with your hosts, Jennifer Wong and charity Rodriguez. Subscribe to our show wherever you listen to podcasts. And if you have a suggestion, question or topic you want us to talk about, connect with us at www being effing And until next time, we hope you're always being effing honest